The art of magic... The magic of art...
Over the course of the creation of the Red Jade world, art has played a major role. It all started with cover art from Fyodor Ananiev, who illustrated the first four book covers of the series. He also designed the Red Jade symbol that unites the books.
Giovanni Panarello stepped in next for the other Red Jade covers, bringing his expertise and something I did not expect: character sketches. With the two characters on the front cover of Delminor's Trials, Giovanni provided full-body sketches of the characters. This inspired me to ask for more drawings of the rest of my characters. From a small set to nearly the whole list, Giovanni crafted each sketch with utmost detail and professionalism.
The kingdoms of Kallisor and Hathreneir host many towns and other settlements. To keep track of these, maps were needed and that's where Veronika Wunderer came in, crafting maps from my rough sketches.
And of course, the team battles beasts throughout their journey. I enlisted the help of Olha Holonko to draw these monsters. I chose a 16-bit style to give a video game feel.
The art collection not only provides the art, but also gives some background information into the characters.
September 25, 2020